Your accounting records need to be correct, otherwise you lack the proper tools to successfully run your business. In many cases, you could be under-reporting or over-reporting your income on your tax returns. Perhaps your attorney with an IOLTA account and you are not sure if it is accurate. Our comprehensive Diagnostic Review will identify and outline any issues that exist. We will review and identify the following:

Year-end finalization and Preparation of Work Papers
Filing tax return of any business on time is very essential. This is because it helps staying out of legal Implications that may occur by non-filing or late filing of Income tax return. At the same time, tax return is an important document that needs to be submitted while liaising with financial institutions for getting loans or for increase in credit limit. There are many other institutions wherein we need to submit tax return as an attachment while liaising with them.
At the end of the year, we take care of finalization of books of our clients. We make necessary yearend adjustments, we reconcile all the balance sheet ledgers, we prepare Working Papers showing back up schedule of each and every ledger that we have reconciled and we submit the same to the CPAs of our clients so that they can file tax returns of our clients on time. Not only that, we coordinate with the CPAs of our clients on a regular basis to resolve their queries and thereby we facilitate filing tax returns of our clients on time.
Let’s Discuss Your Accounting Needs
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Do you have questions about any of our services? Whether it’s Bookkeeping, Accounts Payable & Receivable, Sales Tax, Budgeting, Forecasting, or Payroll Services, we can help. From ongoing cashflow management to a one-time clean-up of your books to mergers, de-mergers, and accounting software migrations, Winspire will deliver exceptional solutions.